How to Find Whatsapp Group Remote Jid

How to Find Whatsapp Group Remote Jid

How to Find your Whatsapp Group Remote Jid:

1. Now get your Token & Instance ID  from profile

Token: 609ACFbbbXXXX

Instance ID : e1sacd1234b056789c1234XXXXXXXXXXXX



Cloud Api Integration
Cloud Api Integration





2. Visit this website

3. You will Your unique URL webhook link in below format


4. Now set Your WEBHOOK correctly with TOKEN & INSTANCE ID this format or Click Here to Set webhook


you will get this response from the api server  
{"status":"success","message":"Webhook URI Saved"}
5. Open Your Whatsapp group (in which you want to send deals messages.) & Just send HI message in that group.
6. Now Open your unique Webhook URL link. you will get some entries, 
7. Open that First entries and find this  remoteJid of that group in which you have just sent HI message.
 in the above this is your whatsapp group id 
Cloud Api Integration webhook




 8. Now copy that Remote Jid and save it anywhere for further using.


9. Now Click Here to send message to your Group.

